We believe that baptism is a welcoming into God’s family, an adoption as God’s own child, a grace and a gift, a new birth in the Holy Spirit. “In the waters of Baptism we are reborn children of God and inheritors of eternal life. By water and the holy Spirit we are made members of the Church which is the body of Christ. ” (from Lutheran Book of Worship)
The sacrament of baptism is a blessing to Christ’s church. Baptism is for all people of any age: infant, child or adult.

Holy Communion
Holy Communion is offered at all services, although we do occasionally have a lay-led Service of the Word. We trust that in, with, and under the elements of bread and wine we receive Jesus’ real presence. All are welcome who hear Christ’s invitation and promise that this meal is “for you.”
For information on the sacraments or preparing for Baptism or Holy Communion, please contact the church office.