To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
All women of the congregation are members of Women of the ELCA. As a partner in the total ministries of the church, the organization affirms, supports, and challenges women in their daily ministries at home and around the world.
Hope Circle meets monthly for Bible Study and fellowship.
Service Projects:
- Altar Guild prepares communion each week.
- Paraments and banners bring the colors and themes of the church season into the sanctuary.
- Cradle Roll remembers children from birth to the age of 3 years with books of scripture-based opportunities for parents to share with them until they begin Faithbuilders Sunday School.
- Blankets are made for Lutheran World Relief. Hygiene and school kits and layettes are assembled for Lutheran World Relief.
- Bibles and Luther’s Small Catechisms are provided for every third grade Sunday School student and for others by request of parent of pastor.
- Families are assisted with serving funerals and other receptions.
- Income from fundraisers (Bake Sale and Soup Luncheon) are shared with various organizations annually.
WELCA Officers:
Co-Presidents – Joyce Haecker and Nancy Johnsen
Secretary – Karen Jobman
Treasurer – Rebecca Behrends
Mission Action – Genell Copas and Vi Kimminau
Co-Chairs of Hope Circle – Dorothy Hofeling and Lynn Pomajzl
Altar Guild – Nancy Johnsen, Terri Huls, Karen Jobman, Gloria Paben
Cradle Roll – Gloria Paben
Paraments and Banners – Beth Dunker and Genell Copas
Funeral Coordinator – Dianne Cole
Event Schedule:
- Soup Luncheon Fundraiser (Winter)
- Lenten Supper (Ash Wednesday)
- Confirmation Banquet
- Membership Meeting (Fall)
- Bake Sale Fundraiser
- Thankoffering Worship Service (November)