"Inspired By the Holy Spirit to Serve"
Classes are available for three year olds through confirmation age. Classes meet September through early May.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church celebrates Holy Communion in Worship each Saturday and Sunday unless noted.
SOUP LUNCHEON: Sunday, February 16, 11:30-1:30 – sponsored by the Holy Cross Women of the ELCA. Serving Homemade Chili, Chicken Noodle, and Vegetable Beef Soup, Dessert, Coffee, Tea or Water. […]
We will be exercising as a group using online videos from Silver Sneakers. Silver Sneakers is an exercise and fitness program that is included with many Medicare Plans. Please bring a water bottle. Contact Dallen Johnsen for more information.
Men's Fellowship meets every Thursday at 9:00am at Across the Trax at Beatrice 77 Livestock. For more information or for a ride contact Ferdie Kimminau at 331-276-7380.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church celebrates Holy Communion in Worship each Saturday and Sunday unless noted.